Thursday, January 19, 2012

My predictions for "I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have to Kill You."

Let's face it, in almost every book that is written for middle school girls there are always two girls. The main character and the girl that she doesn’t like. Then almost every time these two have to come together for the greater good. In the midst of saving the world or whatever it is they’re doing they become best friends. To be perfectly honest that just about sums up my prediction for “I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You.” Macey and Cammie are going to be paired up for a mission, to save the Gallagher Academy from the enemy, Macey because her ancestors are part of the Gallagher Academy, and Cammie because her mother is the current headmaster. By the time these two are done with that they’ll be inseparable, and all geared up for the sequel. This book is kind of like The Clique in this way. Massie’s perfect life is turned upside down when her father’s old friend moves into her guest house with his wife and two kids, one of them a girl who’s Massie’s age. This book’s climax comes when the two girls fight together to keep their fathers from embarrassing them in front of the entire middle school,  and after a few hours in the bushes these two are best friends.
                Another prediction I’m going to make is about the weird new CoveOps teacher. He’s constantly checking out Cammie’s mom, planning strange lessons, and is obviously extremely intelligent. I think he’s a spy for an enemy school or something to put it simply. But like every good actor he has the entire school fooled into thinking he’s completely 100% good, a little on the strange side, but also on the good one. I know how this is going to end; just like Professor Quarrel in Harry Potter. The Professor is new to the school that year, and he comes off as an extremely uneasy and shaky kind of guy. Everyone goes for this act until Harry realizes he’s really working for Voldemort. After making this terrible discovery, Harry goes to defeat Quarrel before he can do any more spy work for Voldemort. It’s not easy but Harry kills him, and is showered in glory. I’m pretty sure this is how it’ll be with Cammie and Mr. Solomon.
                Don’t think I forgot the title! What fun would this story be without a boy to mix things up? I think that somehow Cammie is going to meet a boy, and their love is going to be forbidden in some way. It’s a possibility that they simply won’t be good for each other, like the lion falls in love with the lamb scenario. Maybe the boy will be working for the unnamed as of this point enemy. Maybe he’ll be attending an all BOYS spy school that doesn’t approve of interaction with girls from the Gallagher Academy. The point is their love is forbidden. In a way this could be like the Twilight series. Bella and Edward have to fight in order to be together, and there are so many secrets they have to keep from others as well as each other in order to do it. Cammie and Mystery Boy might have those same kinds of problems with forced secrets. But just like in Twilight they will probably reach a verdict and everything will turn out.     

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