Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Themes and Symbols of The Pearl

Coyotito- I think Coyotito symbolizes everything that is good and hopeful. In the beginning when he is bitten the family tries extremely hard to save him which they succeed in, successfully saving their hope and happiness. Then when they discover The Pearl and want him to attend school, he is a symbol of hope to him, that he could teach him things.
The Pearl- I think the pearl can be a symbol of deceit, because it fooled everyone into thinking that it was a good thing, when it turned out to be extremely destructive. Instead of being a positive thing like everyone thought it would be, it turned out to tear Kino's entire family apart and wreak havoc upon the town.
The scorpion- The scorpion could be a symbol of destruction because it set everything up, and it all went downhill. If it weren't for that scorpian biting Coyotito, the Kino and Juana wouldn't have gone looking for the Pearl, ad no destruction would have taken place.

Theme: Greed

At first Kino had his head in the right place, and if he would’ve kept it there the story might have been happier. But instead he got greedy and decided he wanted more from the Pearl’s power than necessary, and he pays for it. The entire story stems from his greed, and his consequences come from his greed. The lesson is probably along the lines of: don’t take more than necessary, have some self control and take only what you need.

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