Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Gale or Peeta?

The Hunger Games series is extremely popular throughout the U.S.A. One of the many reasons for this is that our main character, Katniss, must choose between old fried Gale and new boyfriend/fiancĂ© Peeta. People have many different opinions on this matter, but frankly I’m a supporter of Team Peeta. Members of Team Gale think “Oh Katniss is meant for Gale and Peeta just got in the way.” But I think it is the other way around, and Peeta deserves her for many reasons.
                Firstly Peeta has loved Katniss longer; in fact he has ever since kindergarten. He saw her and was immediately helplessly in love. I myself think love at first sight has a reason behind it. Finally he decided to try and somehow communicate that to her by giving her some bread to save her from hunger, even though it cost him a beating.  Gale on the other hand first met her, when she was 12, and always treated her as a friend. But when Peeta first met her when they were both picked as tribute, he made his move and told her how he felt. The chance was given to Gale, he had 4 whole years!!! And he was too scared to say anything, when he so easily could have. Then he thinks he deserves her more, when really if he loved her so much, he should have expressed his feelings to her. I just feel like it is fairer if Peeta has the girl he has loved for so long.
In addition Peeta simply loves her more. Personally I think that Gale still thinks of her as nothing more than a hunting partner, and he wants to have that with him for the rest of his life. Peeta looks past that, and sees her as a person. Katniss is not the most likeable person, but Peeta sees the good in her, something people rarely do. He proves he’s willing to die in the games to keep her alive; in fact that’s his goal. Teaming up with the careers is all part of his plan, he does it to throw them off her trail, and he indeed pays for it. Her childhood friend Gale never shows that kind of commitment, and Katniss deserves more. Lastly Peeta just knows her better; they have a connection that Gale will never be in on. During the games they had to stay in a cave with just each other for the longest time, and they actually talk about something more than hunting.   To go along with that they both know what it’s like to actually be in the games, and they need each other for that reason, for comfort throughout the rest of their lives.
                Finally Katniss needs a buffer. She needs cream to sweeten her coffee. Her personality is so full of sharp edges that it is hard for people to be able to stand her. She needed someone to charm the Panem so that they could lead and win their rebellion. But just because the rebellion is over doesn’t mean Katniss and Peeta have lost their fame. They’ll always have to deal with staring eyes, no matter how long they live, and Katniss can’t do that alone. She can’t do it with Gale either. Think about it, if Gale had been the man in command during the games and rebellion, would they still have won? Katniss needs someone to handle the publicity.

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