Friday, May 17, 2013

The New Boy

( Author's Note: Sorry about the weird formatting on this. It won't even let me italicize it to do this author's note. Just ignore the awkward dialogue and format in general) After dinner, she walked out to the yard, and sat on the stoop. The cool air helped calm her queasy stomach. Her youngest brother was shooting hoops alone. When he saw her, he walked over. "What happened to Robbie?" he asked her, "Why doesn't he ever come over anymore?" "Me and Robbie broke up," she responded. "Why?" She grimaced and ignored him. Realizing he wouldn't get an answer, her brother returned to playing basketball. Alone. At age 15, she knew too much about loneliness. Her brother looked bored. He returned over to the stoop. "Do you have a new boy?" he asked. "I suppose." she responded. "Will I get to meet him?" he asked. "Probably not." "Why?" Again no answer. This time her brother went to go sit on one of three swings. She watched as his look of boredom returned. He walked over to her a third time. "Did you meet him at school?" "No." "Well where did you meet him?" "Somewhere else." "Do you see him at school?" "No." "Does he go to your school?" "He used to." "He moved?" "No." Her brother walked away to go ponder the missing boyfriend. He took his bike out of the garage, and began riding in circles around the driveway. The sun was beginning to set she noticed. Must be almost 8. In an hour it'd be getting dark, and all the bars would open. She grimaced at the thought.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Grim Reality of Heaven

When you think of heaven, several pleasant thoughts pop into your head don't they? Thoughts such as being surrounded by family at all times, or having an endless summer with all your friends. Thoughts of eliminating homework, chores, and errands from your to do list. Thoughts of eliminating your to do list itself. Maybe even thoughts of being able to protect your loved ones that are yet to join you in this paradise. Unfortunately for Susie Salmon, a rape and murder victim, heaven isn't like that in the least. When Susie first arrives in her heaven, she meets her two companions Franny and Holly. And although they are nice, Susie keeps expecting to meet family. Little does she know, things don't exactly work like that in this sort of "heaven." Everyone is sorted into different heavens based on what their desires where on Earth. Unfortunately for Susie, she doesn’t seem to share a lot of the same interests as her family. Towards the end of the novel Holiday (the family dog) dies. He is reunited with Susie, as she was always his favorite person. This only makes sense because she was his desire. Grandma Lynn however is not, due to her strong love of alcohol she is placed in a heaven where she can drink to no end. Susie may have everything she ever wanted, but that's only material wise. She would give it all up to end the yearning for he loved ones. One of Susie's on Earth desires happened to be having teen magazines for school books. And although this wish is granted, Susie isn't entirely happy about it. Why have school after death in the first place? After you pass on there is nothing to work towards. It’s not like you're expected to grow up, move away, and support yourself anymore. That is no longer an option, your only option is to stay in this limbo forever. Death is known as an "eternal rest." In my opinion school isn’t restful, and simply takes away another important component of heaven. Despite these two let downs, Susie does have control over one thing: Earth. Or at least the people she loves. She is able to send them signals, appear in household items, and watch over them whenever she pleases. When it comes to Earth she is free, and watching what goes on without her at least brings her a little joy. She soon latches on to Earth as her only escape from the grim reality of heaven. However everything changes when one of her companions informs her that this isn't heaven, and the only way to escape this limbo, is to completely give up Earth. Susie's friend says it so casually, yet it implies so much. Giving up her parents. Giving up her brother. Giving up her sister. Giving up her best friends and first love. In order to rest in peace, Susie must leave behind the last remnants of those she loves.