Thursday, February 09, 2012

ITYILYBTIHTKY Comparative Essay

               How long did it take you to meet your best friends? You know the kind I mean. The people you sit by at lunch, attend school dances with, go shopping with, and talk on the phone with…your best friends. Imagine having to leave them and get shipped off to a whole different town, or even worse a different state! Claire Lyons and Macey McHenry did this very thing, and it was not an easy journey. Though their situations were similar they have very different personalities to take carry them through the difficult task of beginning in a new place.
                One of the first things that made Claire and Macey a little bit shaky is the fact that they have to adapt to all of the new rules and regulations of their new homes. All of a sudden small town Florida girl Claire is thrown into the designer clothed world of Westchester New York, A.K.A “The Beverly Hills of New York.” Poor Claire has to go from being accepted just the way she is in overalls and Keds, to having to fight to fit in by endlessly gossiping, changing her whole wardrobe, and learning the expectations of Massie Block’s prestigious and powerful clique. Macey on the other hand is already glamorous and rich enough for Westchester, but not sneaky and clever enough for the Gallagher Academy. The Gallagher Academy poses as just another snooty boarding school but is secretly a school for young girls with spy aspirations.  Her pampered and easy life is turned upside down when she has to go through spy training with the headmaster’s daughter and her friends. Both girls go through changes much more drastic then the location of their home; they have an almost complete personality and life change.
                When Macey and Claire arrived at their new destinations the groups that they were to join were pretty obvious. Macey was to hang out with Cammie Morgan’s group, who had originally given her the grand tour of the school, and were now her new roomies. They had a rocky start when Macey acted like a complete spoiled brat on the tour. She smoked her cigarette deliberately under the no smoking sign, ran ahead of the group, and even pushed one of the girls while hissing profanity at her. Despite a bad first impression the girls eventually end up good friends. Claire’s first few months in Westchester didn’t go very smoothly either. Her destined group was Massie Block’s infamous Pretty Committee, which she probably would have never even talked to if she wasn’t living in Massie’s guesthouse. Upon her arrival in Westchester Claire is far from Pretty Committee Material, and is therefore bullied by Massie and her friends. But once Claire proves to Massie that she is just as worthy of friendship of everyone, they soon become inseparable. The journey of moving to a new school turned out perfect for both girls.
                The situations of these two are similar, but their personalities are as different as summer and winter. Claire is just about the kindest person you’ll ever meet. With endless forgiveness, support, and fun Claire is one of the best friends you could ever have. When Massie makes fun of her clothes, or hair she is soon forgiven. If one of the girls has a new boyfriend then Claire is there to tell her how cute they are together, even if the rest of The Pretty Committee doesn’t approve. Rules also matter a lot to Claire; she is always respectful of her elders and tries to be a model student. To put it simply, Claire can be defined as a goody two shoes who you always want to have by your side. Macey on the other hand is the complete opposite. She is overflowing with pride, pain, and rebellion. With her black hair dye, nose rings, and cigarette addiction Macey is every parent’s nightmare. Her friends sometimes even have to put her on the right track! But all the same they cherish her friendship and flaws. Claire and Macey are simply polar opposites.
                If you’re lucky you’ll never have to go through the same things that Macey and Claire did when they moved. They went through many of the same things during this time, and it couldn’t have been easy. Yet they were both able to come out on top, and surprise everyone. Their personalities may be drastically different, but the things they went through are almost identical. These two girls have their differences, but have some of the very same experiences.       

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