Monday, November 07, 2011

Uri's Point of View

            I can’t believe the things Mischa does sometimes. Today he started marching with a bunch of Jews on the way to the ghetto! Then he started to give them all bites of his sausage. That’s another thing about this kid; he never keeps his food to himself. He steals twice the food, and then goes to give half of it to some Janina girl. Mischa goes out of his way to feed other people despite the risks! Also he just runs around doing risky things because he thinks it’s fun. For example he used to be absolutely obsessed with riding a merry go round. So he would sneak out night and go and stare at it for a few hours, with all of those Jackboot people walking around. One time in broad daylight he just skipped everyone in line so that he could ride it. Sometimes it feels like this kid just wants to die!  

1 comment:

  1. I love your ending!!! It sums up the whole paragraph perfectly! It's really creative!
