Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The importance of Color

     What would the world be like without color? Honestly I think I could live with a world that was all black and white; the shows on METV don’t bother me too much with their colorless and bland worlds. But just because I could stand it, doesn’t mean I would like it. So sometimes I wonder what the world would be like without color.
            There is a large difference between wants and needs. If you really think about it, color falls in the category of wants. Is it really necessary to watch the leaves on the trees change every fall? No, but it’s nice to watch all the beautiful vibrant leaves gently fall to the ground every fall. Do we need to paint and color white pieces of paper? Again no, but it just makes things much more interesting. In most cases color isn’t necessary to get the point across; it just adds spice to things. Looking up at a cloudless blue sky is not a need but merely a want.
            A colorless world would be very dampening, but I could live without it. I suppose Jonas really knows no difference, because that’s what he grew up on, but I would be very upset without color. I can think of reasons why we should have color sure, but nothing vital. Color is simply a privilege, something we can all count on to brighten our day if the leaves are taking on a particularly beautiful shade, or the rich mahogany of the kitchen table can always make us smile a little. Without things like that we might be a little sad, but somehow the world would go on.

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