Eminem, Billie Joe
Armstrong, Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson. Just a few celebrities and musicians
that relied on drugs heavily. Two of them dead because of that reliance.
Anthony Kiedis of The Red Hot Chili Peppers is no different. His love for drugs
didn't exactly kill him, but it did eat away at the first half of his life.
What did he find in drugs that he was willing to sacrifice so much for?
Anthony was never very close to his
mother. He had moved out of her little Michigan house to L.A. before he was
ten. The reason for this drastic change in location was his pot smoking, half
shirt wearing, long haired hippie of a father. Just like any other little boy
his age, Anthony idolized his father no matter what, he didn't care that daddy
had left his mother to raise him on her own. In his eyes none of that mattered
now as long as they were together. And for a while they were. But that was
before his dad's drug dealing became excessive and he was dubbed as
"Spider." From that point on the only time Anthony ever received any
attention from his beloved father, was when he was following in his footsteps.
Doing drugs, partying hard, and even losing his virginity at age 14. That's how
the life changing addiction began, as a way to get attention from his father.
There was one thing Anthony could always count on though, and that was the
white stray cat that lived in his yard. After a hard day at school, or an
argument with a friend, Anthony would confide in this cat instead of his
parent. It was after the cat disappeared that Anthony began doing drugs for
more than just attention.
Another aspect to think about is that
Anthony never knew any better. He never had a mother, or even a healthy
parental relationship to lead him in the right direction. The only adult
guidance he ever received, taught him that drugs were indeed the answer to
everything. It was his own father that taught him all the wrong lessons, and
took him to experience those lessons firsthand. Instead of hanging out with
friends on weekends like most kids his age, Anthony would be downtown in
different clubs partying, getting drunk, and doing drugs. He never knew any
better, and this way of life soon became a strong and almost unbreakable habit.
Strangely enough, Anthony grew up to be in
a successful band, "The Red Hot Chili Peppers." It's a miracle he
came so far with such unhealthy habits and background. But he soon realized
that he couldn't balance both drug addiction and a semi famous band all at
once. Drugs not only burned a hole in his wallet, but they also made a negative
impact on his health. Eventually he realized that although the drugs gave him
an amazing high, he strived for permanence. After a life of instability, he
probably wanted to rest easy knowing drugs weren't getting in the way of his
income, friendships, and music, things that were
permanent unlike highs. After wrestling with the idea a few months, one of his
closest friends, and the bands guitarist, Hillel Slovak passed away. From a
drug overdose. That was Anthony's turning point. He now realized he not only
owed it to himself to become sober, but to Hillel as well.
It's true when they say that drugs are an
addictive substance, obviously they destroy multiple people's lives, because
they are so addicted to these substances. Anthony was just as addicted and
dependent as the next helpless addict, but he was addicted to other things too,
things he craved more than he could ever need drugs. Stability in his life, and
the music that made that possible for him.