Monday, October 22, 2012

Patriots Pen

(Authors Note: This really isn't my best writing ever, so don't judge me just based on this)

 When America was first formed, it was meant to be united. The Pledge of Allegiance even describes us as "one nation under god." But in reality, there is one thing that does indeed divide America: and that is political parties. The conservatives and liberals, the elephants and donkeys, yes each party even has a mascot of sorts. What is this, a sporting event? George Washington even said he never wanted to see America with political parties, because he believed it would divide the country. And it has, in some negative and positive ways. 

     Ever since political parties were created, a flood of different opinions brought on new ideas. Usually new ideas are a good thing, especially if they're good ideas. But do our founders agree with these ideas? Do they agree with the Democrat's belief that government is key? How do they feel about the Republican's take on weapons? One thing that I can almost say for sure, is that they are happy that the laws of freedom of speech are still in place. This allows people from both parties to express their thoughts, and in my opinion that probably makes our founders very happy to know that their rules have not been forgotten. But sometimes I do wonder if they wish that things would be expressed in a more civil manner. I think that when candidates are debating with one another, they would like us to remember that we are one nation.

    Sometimes though it is hard to remember that. It seems as if politics creep into almost everything! Friendships, relationships, and even family events can be soiled by the ongoing rivalry between the two parties. For example, last Thanksgiving my dad and uncle got into a wicked fight over politics. It was right before dinner and me and my cousin were hanging out upstairs somewhere, and from there we could hear their frustrated screams  Because of this, dinner became a very awkward affair, instead of something that should be fun and laid back. Is this really how they intended freedom of speech to express itself?

     So my final question for our founders is this: Do you agree with George Washington? Has politics divided our nation? My opinion on the matter is this: I think politics have divided our country in the most subliminal way. Political signs in yards declaring the views of that house, grotesque Halloween masks. It seems that the hatred between the two parties is indeed there, but it has been suppressed.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Phone Call

(This is my cause and effect piece, I used the novel "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson as my example. Beware! There are spoilers!)
8:00 PM
      The novel "Speak" surrounds a timid and socially awkward girl named Melinda. Just months ago, she had been an innocent 8th grade girl, who was beyond excited for high school. But after some fateful events at a rambunctious party, Melinda's life takes a turn for the worse. In a moment of muddled thinking, Melinda called the cops while at the party and turned everyone in attendance into them. Now this may seem like a weird move for a teenager to make, and in normal circumstances it would be. But these weren't normal circumstances. Prior to making her call, Melinda had been sexually assaulted, while she was intoxicated.
     Before her assault, Melinda could indeed be considered drunk. In fact on the way to the party, she had been hanging about halfway out the window of the car as they sped down the highway! If poor Melinda had chosen to stay sober, then she would have entered high school as a bright eyed and excited freshman. But instead she let the alcohol lead her straight to Andy Evans, who embraced the opportunity wholeheartedly. Originally Melinda had called the cops to report him, but ran her mouth off about the party instead.
     Because of Melinda's drunken babbling, all of her peers see her as a goody two shoes, and more importantly the girl who got them grounded for the rest of the summer. By the beginning of freshman year nobody will talk to her, and to put it bluntly Melinda is a friendless loser. Her best friend Rachel won't even make eye contact with her. Eventually Melinda becomes exceedingly depressed and lonely, all because of one simple phone call.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Conflict Resolution Piece

10:49 AM
     The last place Ronnie Miller wants to spend her summer is with her father in South Carolina, living in his beachside shack. Ever since he abandoned the family Ronnie has felt nothing but resentment towards him, and as a result doesn't make the best choice, this is the main conflict.This issue hasn't just affected Ronnie though, what she doesn't know is that her father is suffering from stomach cancer and wants to mend their relationship before it's too late. At this point though, it may not be possible. After several years apart, Steve doesn't know if he can reach his young and troubled daughter. 

     Eventually Ronnie's father does get through to her: with the truth behind the divorce. Even though she still believes that leaving wasn't the best course of action, Ronnie forgives her father and they build a much stronger and happier relationship as the summer wares on. Unfortunately though Ronnie has to realize that their time together is limited, yet this realization is easier for both of them knowing that peace has been made.  This non resolution somewhat resembles the Hunger Games, because both heroines deal with the loss of a father figure in their lives after a special bond has been formed.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Adventures of a Part Time Jellyfish Rescuer

(Author's Note: This is my narrative piece)

"Ew Sophie look at all the disgusting jellyfish bodies!"

"I'm scared, what if the jellyfish turn into zombies?!"

It was the usual day in Myrtle Beach, sunny, mid to high eighties, an occasional breeze that seemed to have the perfect timing....basically the weather could be summed up as perfect. So you'd think that convincing someone to walk along the beach with me would be simple. Wrong. Okay so there were a few dead jellyfish lining the shore, but they could easily be avoided. Where was my family's vacation spirit?

Eventually though I suckered my mom into accompanying me, and I will admit that at first I was pretty grossed out. I was surprised to find that almost everywhere we walked, me and my poor mother would have to dodge the half or fully dead jellyfish bodies that scattered the shore. If only I had known what I would be doing later, than merely walking around the limp jellyfish wouldn't have seemed so disgusting.

One can only be among dead jellyfish for so long before their curiosity gets the best of them. When I bent down to get a closer look, what I saw horrified me. Now I know that jellyfish are relatively lifeless animals to begin with, what with their microscopic brains and digestive systems...can they even see? But at that moment, I didn't really care what they were. What I saw when I looked down at the animal that appeared to be dead, was that it wasn't really dead at all. The bulbous head appeared to be taking shallow and gasped breaths. It sure didn't help that the temperature was slowly climbing as the day wore on, and that it was humid out. I could only imagine how it felt to have your body slowly melt and become one with the sand. Without thinking, I bent down and scooped it up. My mom proceeded to act in typical mom fashion.

"Sophie! What are you doing?! You're going to get stung!" my now erratic mother exclaimed.  

"Not as long as you only touch the head." I was delighted to hear that the voice had a British accent. I turned to see a girl  heading towards us.

As my mother continued to speak to my newly acquired British friend, I examined the baby jellyfish in my hands a bit closer. I noticed what appeared to be a large tumor on the side of it's quivering body. After a short debate inside my head, I decided that I should let the curiosity get the best of me, and poke it. When the lump began to travel along the side of my helpless comrade, I shrieked. Immediately my mother and the unnamed British girl ran over to see what was going on.

"What is that?!" I held out the writhing jellyfish for them to see.

But before they could answer my question, a giant white crab scampered from the safety of the jellyfish onto my hand. At first I wasn't exactly sure what to do. I definitely didn't want to drop the jellyfish and injure it further, which was a knee jerk reaction, but I also didn't want an albino crab on my hand. These thoughts ran through my mind in a matter of seconds, but before I could think things through any further I sprinted to the ocean  and deposited the jellyfish and it's friend. I stood back to look and make sure my jellyfish could swim, and once I realized he could I knew what I was going to do with the rest of my afternoon. 

After several hours of strolling along the waves, and gently reuniting the victims to their homes, I returned to my room hungry and fishy smelling. But despite my stomach's pleas for food, and the sea like aroma that lingered on my skin, I was glad. I was glad I had sacrificed my afternoon to save some innocent lives. And yes, jellyfish do have lives. Life is life, no matter if you are a human or an ant. No matter if that life has large purpose or a small purpose. No matter how worthless it may seem. Whether you shoot a gun or squash a bug, you are indeed taking a life. But the same goes for saving one.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Re-Telling Piece

( Autors Note: This is my re-telling/book advertisement peice on My Life in Black and White by Natasha Friend)    

 These days, it is every teenage girl’s dream to be classified as “pretty.” And in this novel, one lucky girl really is. Until the night that she catches her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend. Prior to the events that happened that night, this girl, and her face, are never the same again. If you have ever felt insecure about yourself, or experienced a life changing event, then this is the book for you!