Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quote Analyzation

Friday, September 07, 2012
"What really keeps me going is the constant belief that it could all disappear tomorrow."- Phil Donahue

      The meaning of this quote seems to be pretty self explanatory. Obviously the person who wrote this is having a hard time in life. Maybe he's divorcing his wife, or he lost his job. It could even be something relatively small when compared: maybe him and one of his oldest friends are in an argument about something. Whatever it is, it's really hitting him hard. Maybe so hard that he has trouble getting up in the morning, dressing himself, going to work, etc. But in the back of this guy's mind he's clinging onto one thing, and that is hope. He's hoping that things will miraculously fix themselves overnight. This never really happens.

    Forget what I said earlier. I'm kind of in the middle of the road with this one. I guess there's a slim chance certain things could fix themselves. Say you and someone important to you are in a disagreement and aren't talking. Suppose overnight that person realized they're wrong, or just decided that you're important enough to them that THEY can take the blame. And so the next day you guys apologize to each other and TP someone's house or do whatever activity you enjoy doing together. THAT  might happen. But for other, larger issues, it won't work like that. If that important person had died, do you think that's going to just undo itself overnight? That you'll wake up to the sound of a phone call from them inviting you to coffee later? No. That sounds extremely harsh but the truth hurts most times. Along with that if someone you loved passed away, you're going to grieve for however long depending. Sure, after a little time…or a lot of time…your cuts will scab over and you will get better. That’s not a  process that happens overnight, and if it is then you didn't love them.
     I'm not trying to be too critical here, but realistically this is not a very accurate quote. Sure it's nice , but it's not one you should take to heart. If things were magically able to disappear when we fell asleep, we'd have a perfect utopian world. There is something I liked when I first read this saying though, and that is the fact that it is filled with hope. Hope is an essential part of the universe. Hope often propels us forward. And without we'd likely have a solemn and unhappy world.